bundle of lavender flowers


Online therapy for anxiety

Are you living with feelings of fear, dread, panic, or perfectionism?

Anxiety can manifest in many physical and emotional ways, from trouble sleeping or concentrating to a sense that your nervous system is imbalanced. Anxiety can also result in additional stress, difficulty coping with small or large events or tasks, or avoidance, which can then lead to feeling more anxious and often depressed.

Anxiety can look like:

  • Trouble focusing or concentrating

  • Racing thoughts or feelings of fear, dread, or panic

  • Feeling tense and stressed most of the time

  • Headaches, upset stomach or nausea, racing heart

  • Feeling keyed up, restless, and on edge

  • Insomnia and feeling tired or weak

  • Perfectionism

 You’re ready to stop living in fear and regain a sense of control.

There is hope.

You can learn how not to be controlled by anxiety.

Thoughts tied to fear often feel the most believable because this is how humans adapted to survive as a species, but our lives look different now. Anxiety can make you feel like your thoughts are racing and your body feels keyed up and on edge.

You are ready to live differently.

We can’t completely eliminate anxious thoughts and some amount of anxiety is adaptive and helpful, but we can learn how to change our relationship to anxiety and no longer be controlled or limited by it. 

I have extensive training in teaching skills on how to manage anxiety and regulate the nervous system. Schedule a free consultation today so that, together, you can learn how to stop struggling with anxiety.

Therapy for anxiety can help you…

  • Learn how to cope with anxious thoughts and feelings

  • Learn how to calm your racing heart and other physical symptoms

  • Understand why you feel anxious

  • Identify barriers to your goals

  • Do what matters most to you — even when you feel anxious

  • Regain a sense of control over your life

Frequently asked questions about anxiety therapy


  • We identify the symptoms you are experiencing, help you better understand why you are feeling this way, and learn skills for your specific symptoms. Learn more.

  • If you feel like you are living with fear, dread, or panic most of time; have difficulty with focus and concentration; your thoughts and heart race and you breathe rapidly, you could have anxiety. Learn more.

  • Contact me today for a free brief consultation and we can start on a plan to help you get your life back. Learn more.

 You don’t have to stay stuck in fear. Start living the life you want.